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6-9-10 Education Committee
Legislative Council Education Committee
Minutes from Meeting on June 9, 2010
Held in the Reed Intermediate School Library

The Legislative Council Education committee held a special meeting on June 9, 2010 at the Reed Intermediate School library.  Interim Chairman Jeff Capeci called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.

PRESENT:  Jeff Capeci, Chris LaRocque, Kevin Fitzgerald, Ben Spragg

ALSO PRESENT:  1 member of the press



Discussion and Possible Action:
  • Election of an Education Committee Chairman: Mr. Capeci asked if there were any nominations for Chairman of the Education Committee.  Mr. Fitzgerald nominated himself and stated that he believes there was some mystery around educational spending and he believes he can work best with the BOE to remove that mystery.  He believes he can communicate effectively and has engaged with the BOE to-date to work constructively as opposed to scrutinizing the budget.                                                                       
        Mr. Spragg nominated Chris LaRocque for chairman.  He stated that Mr. LaRocque
        Has been very thorough, organized, and has remained neutral on the education
        Budget.  He stated that Mr. LaRocque was a supporter of the $200,000 addition to        the BOE, but also on the other side when he did not think a further increase was        warranted.
        Hand vote resulted in Mr. LaRocque and Mr. Spragg voting in favor of Mr. LaRocque       for chairman and 1 vote for Mr. Fitzgerald.  Mr. LaRocque elected chairman by a 2-1     vote.
        Mr. Capeci handed the gavel to Mr. LaRocque and Mr. Fitzgerald expressed that we        establish future ground rules and goals for the committee so as to improve the  process for next year’s budget.  Mr. LaRocque agreed with Mr. Fitzgerald and also       reminded the committee that the LC had stated its support for improving the     process of handling the education budget in the future.


ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business, Mr. Spragg moved to adjourn.  Seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald.  All in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 7:16 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Chris LaRocque